Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Would you like to talk to your animals?

Most of the readers of this blog know that I talk to animals - that is to say, we communicate intuitively. I didn't know I could do it until I picked up a couple of really strong messages from cats within a short time of each other - and I knew that they were communicating with me. It wasn't me making it up in my mind, the messages came from somewhere else, and I received them through emotions and feelings, that were then translated into words that I could understand.

I always was very intuitive when I was younger, but this seemed to have disappeared, or be buried under a ton of rational thought developed through a lifetime in the corporate world. Becoming attuned to, and practising Reiki brought this back - and how! I wrote about this awakening in a blog post in August last year - it's called Introducing Mrs Dolittle.

After I realised what was happening I signed up for an amazing workshop with James French - Animal Communication Training - to learn how to do it properly. Well, I was anyway, but I didn't know - and it helped to learn a useful process to follow. It was great to see that everyone else on the course was able to do this too. Many of the people on the course worked in some way with animals - either paid or voluntary - and felt that this would help them to get closer to their animals. Others were those who had animals living with them (as many of us do), and were just interested in knowing how to do their best for their loved companions.

It's something we all have the ability to do, if we can learn to still our minds, and trust the more subtle feelings we get. Going back a long way, before we had language, the human race used to communicate in a variety of ways, including intuitively. We still do that, but because we're used to speaking, reading, and communicating in louder, stronger ways, we've forgotten we still have this amazing skill.

I now use this ability every day, and it means that I can better help all the animals I take care of - including those I visit at Animals in Distress.

Since then I've read extensively. Some wonderful books have been written by others very experienced in communicating with animals, and I've learnt that they often have messages for us, the human race - if only we care to listen. Our animals are very wise, in different ways to each other, but all have something important to say to us. We really should listen to them.

One of the books I read was called "The Language of Miracles" by Amelia Kinkade. I thoroughly recommend it - it will open your eyes, mind and heart. Also, "Animal Voices" by Dawn Baumann Bruncke, which gives a different aspect of communicating with animals.

I recently met a lovely person by the name of Julie Lines who also communicates with animals. I was thrilled to discover that she learnt with Amelia Kinkade, and also that she runs her own animal communication workshops. She's coming up to Manchester in May, and has asked if I'd like to co-facilitate with her - how wonderful!!

So, if anyone has a weekend to spare on May 22/23, and would love to learn how to be better in touch with their animals, we'd love to have you along. Have a look at Julie's website for more information/to book: Voice of the Animals.

Or get in touch with me and I'll arrange to book you on. Anything you'd like to know, delighted to help - and I'd love to see you all there in May.

Monday, 29 March 2010

Honi Goes Home

The trouble with this job is that I get very attached to the animals I take care of - and their families too. That makes it so difficult when people move on - and move on they do.

In a big city like Manchester, there are lots of people who've come from elsewhere and don't have roots or family here. In some ways that's good because that brings me business. If they don't have a ready made network of family, friends or neighbours, they'll more likely look for a pet sitter. But the downside is that they tend to move on again. And when I've become close to people and their animals that's sad.

I've just said goodbye to Honi and her family. Sarah lived in Manchester for 12 years, but on Saturday returned to Edinburgh, her home city, with partner Thom and baby Archie. Last Friday I went to see them for the last time, and I'm sure Honi knew I was coming to say goodbye. She was very vocal, and I had a tear in my eye as I said farewell. I used to visit Honi quite frequently, and Sarah also became a good friend.

I drove past their apartment today for the first time since they went, and it seemed strange that I'm not going to be visiting Honi any more - or just popping in for a cuddle with Archie. But people move on, and have new lives. We'll stay in contact, and next time I'm in Edinburgh will pop in for more cuddles (although it's years since I was last there, and don't actually know when I'll be there next). Thanks to Facebook I'll continue to see pictures of Honi and little Archie.

So, very best wishes to the whole family as they begin their new lives - all my love is with you. xx

Sunday, 21 March 2010

Scaredy cats?

Most of the cats I go to look after are very friendly and welcoming - sometimes so much so that it's difficult to get away again!

But there have been a few who have been a little less forthcoming, and I wanted to tell you about these lovelies.

Some of them have been rescue cats, but then many of the cats I take care of are, so that's no particular marker of a cat who holds back with strangers. However, we don't always know what situations rescued animals were in before, so some do carry some horrible memories of people with them. Mostly though, it's just because that's the way they are, either because of their essential nature, or sometimes because they've had little contact with people other than their carers. On the whole, I think they're shy cats, rather than scared - just like some people are.

I know it's really important not to force myself on these cats - that probably would scare them - but just to let them know I'm there for them, and they can come to me if they like. Often they're happy just knowing someone is there, so I'll sit quietly talking to them, even if I can't see them! Sometimes it seems a shame, as they're missing out on a cuddle, stroke and fuss - which most cats love - but I'm there for them, and if they don't want that, then that's fine.

I've learnt a lot about taking time with shy cats, and allowing them to do what they want - by working with the ferals at Animals in Distress. And of course, by tuning into them, hearing what they have to say, and feeling their energy.

My first shy cats were Ellie and Harry. They've moved away, so I don't see them any more - but didn't see them too much when I visited regularly either. They were a brother and sister, had always been together, and had each other to keep company. When I first went to meet them their carer brought them out to meet me, but it was clear they would have preferred not to!

Each time I visited they'd be lying under the bed. So, once I'd done their washing up, put out new food, and sorted their litter, you could find me lying on the bedroom floor feeding them treats. They seemed happy with this arrangement, and although they didn't come close enough to be stroked, neither was there any sense of anxiety.

If I had a little longer to spare, I'd sit quietly in the lounge and have a drink. Because it was quiet, they thought I'd gone, so would suddenly appear round the corner of the door - then look at me very surprised! But by then they could smell the food, so got up courage to come in anyway, slink all round the outside of the room until they got to the kitchen area. In all the time I looked after them, they never did get to be any less shy, but they were happy in their own way.

I've looked after Oscar and Felix for a couple of years (sadly just Felix now), and at first I was told by their carer that they were very shy, and would probably be hiding in the bedroom when I came to visit. Whenever she had friends to visit that's what happened, hiding away until they'd gone again.

But the first time I visited although clearly a little uncertain, they did approach me. And from then on it was hugs and soppiness all the way. There were times they'd both try to squeeze on to my lap at once - and they're big boys! A short while later their carer had a friend to come and stay, and couldn't believe how friendly they were with her too. Both remained quiet and gentle cats, but always loved a fuss. In their situation, I'm sure that the Reiki I brought with me, and which they discovered on my first visit, helped them to get over their shyness.

At this point, it's important that I say that Reiki will do whatever is in the best interests of the being receiving the energy - and although we might think we know what's best, the fact is that we don't always. So, for Oscar and Felix, this was right, but for others, including Ellie and Harry it wasn't right for them to be less shy with people. But they still received the energy while I was there, and that helped them to be happy, calm and relaxed while their carer was away. Sometimes we have to take ourselves out of the equation - it's not what we want for the being, but what's best for their higher self.

Then I met Enrico, who I've written about before. Lovely big bear of a cat, who was painfully shy at first, but who very quickly turned into a slobber-monster, putting his arms around my neck and hugging me at every opportunity. Haven't seen him for a while - would be lovely to come and take care of him again, especially now that he has a sister too.

Recently I've had another couple of shy cats. Mack was a rescue cat, who loves his carers, especially his dad, but otherwise hides away from people. I was told that he'd been to stay with friends last time his carers went away, and spent the entire time hidden. Perhaps this was also because he was in a strange environment, away from his own territory and familiar smells.

Because of this, his carers decided that this time he should stay in his own home and they'd get someone in to visit each day. They were keen to find someone who had lots of experience in working with rescue cats, which is why they asked me to come and care for him. When I went first to meet them all, they'd just moved house, so Mack was understandably a little anxious about his new environment. We found him hiding behind some boxes that still needed unpacking. But at least we got to meet each other, and he could hear my voice as I and his carers chatted. That's so important too - for them to hear that the energy in our voices is gentle and friendly while chatting means that when I'm there for the first time on my own, it should bring back favourable feelings.

On my first visit I couldn't see Mack anywhere, but didn't want to stress him too much by searching high and low. I could feel his energy and he was a little anxious. And he'd eaten the food his carers had left, so that's a good sign he's pretty much ok. So, I just sat in a chair in the lounge, opened my hands to send him Reiki wherever he was, and chatted away to him in a gentle voice. I told him what was happening, and why I was there, but mostly it was whatever came into my mind! That happens a lot, but cats seem to like hearing someone talking to them.

The second day, I couldn't see him again, but his energy was so different. Much more welcoming, and he was actually quite pleased I was there. Still didn't want to come out, but a very happy cat in his own way. I do find generally that the first time I visit any new cat there is a little confusion, they don't know what's going on - but by the second visit, they've worked it out, and know the score. Cats are very quick to learn!!

It was hoped that as the week went on he might get braver, but it didn't happen. One day I opened the front door to see him emerging from under the bed of the room opposite. He stopped for a moment, looked surprised, then went back under. At least I knew where he'd made his nest, so from then on I'd sit in that room with him and gently chat. We'd have intuitive conversations, and I know he was quite happy, just didn't want to come out. It was good to be able to tell his carers that he was happy and not anxious. Just very shy!!

Then there's Bubble (one of 3 Bubbles I take care of!). He and his carer live together, and his carer mostly works from home, which is great for Bubble. But now and again he needs to attend meetings in Europe, although only ever just away for a day or two. They've also just moved house. Before, a friend who lived very close by would come to feed Bubble and check to see he was around - although there was never any interaction as Bubble was quite shy.

Just before the move Bubble was diagnosed as diabetic, so now needs twice daily insulin injections. This development, together with the house move meant that it was no longer possible for the friend to do the visits.

When I first went to meet them both Bubble was very friendly, which was great as I'd been told that he was rather anxious and would probably scoot if he heard the doorbell go - I had to call the mobile to say I'd arrived. Given what I'd expected, this was indeed a good sign.

His carer had to go away the following week, so I was booked to come to feed him and give him his injection. Also, by then, they'd moved house, so Bubble was not yet settled in, everything was still very new, and probably still full of the scents of the cats who used to live there. It was very cold, and I found him curled up under the duvet. He looked at me with his big, beautiful eyes (and he really does have amazing eyes), then took at swipe at me, and ran downstairs. I slowly followed - didn't want him to think I was chasing him - and found him sitting under the kitchen table. He then went back up again. Once again I followed slowly, and found him in his basket, so sat on the bed and talked to him gently, telling him why I was there.

By then I knew that it wouldn't be right for me to go any nearer to him at that time. Luckily his diabetes is only mild and his insulin dose is very small - I'd been told that if we missed one there would be no problem. So, I judged that would be the best thing to do, that one time. However, there was another trip abroad planned for the following week, and a holiday at the end of the month, so the situation did need a resolution.

I told his carer what had happened, and we decided that given his shyness, and the anxiety of the house move, a new person coming to take care of him was all too much at once. We then arranged for me to come and visit three times a week, in order for Bubble to get used to me. Sometimes I'd be on my own, other times with his carer there too. And after a couple of visits, he let me inject him - but only while his carer was there. He seemed to be happiest sitting at the top of the stairs with his carer lower down on the stairs and me on the landing. We'd chat and he would doze while we took it in turns to stroke him.

I noticed that he was happy for me to stroke him if his carer was there, but if he went out then Bubble reverted to taking a swipe at me. Nevertheless, we persevered, and finally got Bubble to be happy with just me on our own. We'd noticed that when sitting between the two of us, he'd get closer to me, so I could stroke him - a good sign!!

When I was on my own with him I'd tell him what was happening, and I asked his carer to take some time to explain to him too, giving him permission to be ok with me. I'd realised that this was the problem - that he needed telling that it was ok. It had been just the two of them for a long time, and he wasn't particularly socialised with other people. His carer was a little dubious about talking to animals (well, the part about them understanding), but promised to do it anyway. Seems to have worked!!

Had Bubble not been diabetic it wouldn't have been a problem. There would have been no need for us to work so hard at getting Bubble to be comfortable with being stroked and touched. But clearly I can't give him his injections without touching him, so we had to do this - but in such a way that Bubble didn't feel he was being pushed into it. Everything had to be taken at the right pace for Bubble. So, we're there now, and his carer goes away next week. I'll let you know what happens.....

I love looking after the shy cats as much as those who are more friendly. It means that I have to adjust my energy, so that it's gentle and not jarring for them. And I sit there quietly, sending them Reiki to help them in their own way, chatting to them, telling them what's going on, and listening to what they have to tell me. Sometimes they become friendlier but that's not the aim - all I'm there for is to ensure that they're happy (and have food of course), and I do that in whatever is the right way for each cat.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Rex and Sammy have the builders in

I've written about Rex and Sammy before - 2 lovely ginger brothers I've looked after many times.

Well, last week I was looking after them again while their family were away ski-ing. Difference this time was that the builders were in too. And boy, what fun we had!! Everything normal on Sunday, then the builders arrived on Monday. When I popped in to see the boys I couldn't find Rex anywhere! That's not so strange, as Sammy is usually waiting to meet me on the pavement or in the lounge, and is always first into the kitchen for his food.

Rex is normally either out wandering around, or upstairs fast asleep. It often takes him about 20 minutes to put in an appearance, but he always turns up while I'm there. On Monday though, I couldn't find him anywhere. All the upstairs rooms had been sealed, but he wasn't in the lounge or the kitchen. Did my usual thing of going outside to call for him, but nothing. After a while it was apparent something wasn't right.

When I got there the builders were hidden away on the top floor, but after a little while one of them came down. I asked him if he'd seen the cats, and he said "yes, there's a ginger tom in the lounge." Well, of course there should be 2 of them, but he was adamant, he'd only seen one cat all morning. Remembering they'd sealed up all the doors, I started to wonder whether Rex had got himself stuck in one of these rooms. We went about calling him, and sure enough, from behind a door we could hear him crying! So, I opened it up and a rather distressed boy bolted upstairs, only to find there was nowhere to go, so raced downstairs. I re-sealed the room and followed him down.

Rex tells me lots of stories, and when I'd come down to see him, he was telling me all about his troubles that morning. Clearly rather upset, but calmed down when he had lots of TLC from me. I had a word with the builder about being careful about the cats, that they didn't get shut in anywhere, and also asked them to ensure the lounge door was kept open, as this was the only place the boys could go to be safe and sleep.

Well, each day I returned I was rather cross to see that the lounge door had been shut again. Poor Rex and Sammy had nowhere to go! Luckily the weather was quite good so they were happy to go outside for a lot of the time, but it's still early March and not that warm yet, so obviously would want to come indoors and settle down to sleep at times. The kitchen was full of builders' stuff, and often builders when they came to make their brews, so they had to have access to the lounge. I'd been texting their family (as I always do), and let them know what was happening - they were very happy I was looking out for the boys.

Then one day, I got there, to be told by the boss lady, in no uncertain terms (and rather aggressively, I have to say) that although I'd told her builders the door should be left open, she had told them it must be shut, and that was that!! She was concerned - understandably - about any dust and mess that might find its way in, but my concern was for the boys' wellbeing. I told her that the family were very happy for the door to be left open, and she acceeded - albeing rather grudingly.

Also, that day I'd been told that there were no cats in the lounge, they were both out, but then I found poor Rex in there. He was quite happy, as he was fast asleep, away from all the noise and mess - but if I'd not checked, he'd have been locked in there all day and night, with nothing to eat, and no access to the outdoors. So although they might have prevented one mess, I think there might have been another!!

But when he came to a little he was clearly feeling upset. I had to persuade him to come to the kitchen with me to eat, then he wanted to go back to the lounge, and sit with me telling me how he was feeling. I stayed for a while with him that day, as I wasn't happy to leave him so soon. Eventually though, I had to go, and the poor boy was so bothered, he followed me all the way down the road to my car. It almost broke my heart to have to leave him, but I pledged I'd make an extra visit that evening to see how they were - while I was in the area seeing to another cat.

I turned up that evening to discover that once again the door to the lounge had been locked. This time there were no cats stuck inside, but poor Sammy only had the long hallway to occupy. No sign of Rex anywhere. Sammy was very happy to be able to come and settle down on the big cushion in the lounge, and started to clean himself, ready for bed. Sammy had been coping with the upheaval much better than Rex, but even so, spending the night on floorboards when you're used to a soft cushion isn't nice.

I searched all over the house and outside, calling and calling for Rex, but no sign at all. I was hoping that he was just enjoying prowling around in the dark as most cats like to do, but a part of me was worried that he'd been so upset he'd decided to go somewhere else. I didn't get much sleep that night, and woke the next day hoping I'd find him.

The next day was my final day - yesterday - and imagine how happy I was to find both cats waiting for me, and the lounge door open!!!! Sammy had his food, then trotted off outside without a care, but Rex wanted to talk again. So we both went into the lounge and sat on the floor together, while I listened to him. He came for lots of cuddles - he is very soppy - and then settled down for a wash. I told him that the worst was over, most of the big building work had been done, and his family would be back the next day. Again, I stayed for about an hour, not leaving until I was happy that he was settled.

I've had a text today from his family letting me know that they're home now, which is great. And a big thank you for looking after him so well. It's always good to be appreciated, but what matters even more to me is that I do the right things for the animals I care for.

Long time no blog....

Well, for me anyway! It's about 3 weeks since I last wrote, and that's the longest gap ever since I started this blog.

There's a reason for that, and it's the old, old one - I've been too busy. That's a shame, because I love writing my blog, and writing about all the animals I take care of, but really, my brain has been too tired!

And it's not just because of the animals I look after. Actually it's a bit of a quiet time of year for pet sitting - always is when the Christmas/New Year season is out of the way, and before April/May when people go away again. There are always a few to keep me going, but at times like this, not enough to pay the bills.

Also, I don't (as a general rule) do dog walking. Others who work in pet sitting and do dog walking are always very busy every day. I decided 3 years ago when I set up Whiskers Pet Care that I wouldn't walk dogs. Much as I love dogs, and to walk a dog from time to time is great fun, I felt that to do this every day, in all weathers would soon start to be less than enjoyable. And I started up Whiskers Pet Care because I wanted to do something I loved. So, there didn't seem to be much point.

Then, there's market rates. It would be great to be able to charge what I think this valuable care and service is worth, but I know that the market wouldn't stand it and I wouldn't have any business. So I've got to be realistic. I'd have to be pet sitting 10 hours a day, 7 days a week for it to be financially viable for me, and that's not going to happen!!

I realised that there would be times that I wouldn't be so busy with animals, and also that I'd need to have other work that would pay me more than pet care, to balance out my earnings. Whiskers Pet Care is what I do because I love it; my other money earning activities are what I do to keep a roof over my head, pay the bills, and feed me and Bella. But I've learnt that there's no point doing anything if you don't enjoy it, so my other activities are enjoyable too, and use skills and experience I've built up over many, many years.

They're great because I can sit at home in my slippers and work, and flex my time around going to visit all my lovely animals - and they are my priority. But recently those other activities got very, very busy - which is good because it pays me more money, but also tough because it made me rather tired. This work involves talking to people - either interviewing or coaching - and is rather intense, so by the end of the day my brain has been rather frazzled.

So, apologies to you all if you've missed my blogs. I promise to try to keep up - there's so much more I want to write about. And of course, let me know if there's a subject you'd like me to include, and don't forget to add your own comments.