We all know how financially tough things have become of late. We're all struggling, having to make do on the same (or less), yet having to pay out more. I'd not put my prices up in about 4 years, as I felt that people would find it so difficult to pay more - and yet I was finding it more and more difficult to make ends meet. There's not much margin in pet sitting at the best of times, and even that was being diminished by the ever increasing cost of fuel, and traffic slowing me down, meaning that I couldn't do as much work in the day. Time spent in traffic isn't paid for!! And of course, living costs have been on the rise.
I was faced with a difficult decision. I'd thought about it before, but shied away from taking it. Then, there was one Saturday last September that pushed me over the edge, and made my decision for me. It was probably no worse than some others, but was became that proverbial straw on the camel's back.
I'd had half a dozen visits to do, and they were all over Manchester, in all directions. This meant that instead of the normal 10-15 minutes I allow for travelling time, it was nearer 20-25, in theory. But add to that dreadful traffic conditions, and one journey took me 45 minutes!! I finally got home upset and exhausted, having been out for far longer than I ought. I was also concerned that I might have passed on some of my anxiety to the animals I was visiting - and for me that's beyond the pale. As an energy healer it's essential that my energy is calm and happy while I'm with animals I'm taking care of - and I see all my visits as healing visits.
I decided at that point that I would have to give up pet visits. I couldn't see any way I could continue. I felt so sad and miserable at this thought though, as taking care of animals is what I do best, and what I love. The thought of not coming to see some of my lovely charges was quite upsetting. I realised though that I'd still be able to continue Reiki and healing visits, and was wondering whether the Universe was opening up an opportunity for me to expand those activities. And it also dawned on me that I could still visit animals very close by, in my immediate neighbourhood. I would still need to increase my rates, but by a smaller amount.
So, I set about writing a long email to all my customers, explaining in detail how I'd come to my very difficult decision. And one by one by one, so many of them got back in touch with me to find out how much I would need to charge in order to continue. I'd not even bothered to say in my original email as I felt it would be out of the question!! It was so heartening! So many people were telling me how much they valued what I did for their animals, how they realised it wasn't just putting food down, that I did so much more. Others told me that I'd become a good friend to them and their animals - that they couldn't imagine anyone else coming to care for them.
Until that point I'd imagined it was all about price, especially in the current difficult economic climate. But I learnt a very important lesson. It's actually all about value. I realised that I wasn't attributing full value to what I was doing, even though I know that the animals all benefit from what I bring to them. Quite why I didn't realise, I have no idea, as I've frequently been told by my clients. And although I fully appreciate the value that Reiki brings, I don't think I appreciated quite how much they did too.
Quite understandably I've had to say goodbye to some of my lovely cats - but not so many. In particular those people who live on their own - life is very expensive for a single person, and this does make a difference. But absolutely no hard feelings at all, and have been able to pass them on to other pet carers I know. That makes me happy - I know they'll receive excellent care, if not the Reiki (but they can always contact me for Reiki visits from time to time). I've even picked up new clients at my new rates - one said it was because she could tell from my website that I "speak cat" (which I do!!), and I've had one since return to me.
What a lovely lesson............................
I was faced with a difficult decision. I'd thought about it before, but shied away from taking it. Then, there was one Saturday last September that pushed me over the edge, and made my decision for me. It was probably no worse than some others, but was became that proverbial straw on the camel's back.
I'd had half a dozen visits to do, and they were all over Manchester, in all directions. This meant that instead of the normal 10-15 minutes I allow for travelling time, it was nearer 20-25, in theory. But add to that dreadful traffic conditions, and one journey took me 45 minutes!! I finally got home upset and exhausted, having been out for far longer than I ought. I was also concerned that I might have passed on some of my anxiety to the animals I was visiting - and for me that's beyond the pale. As an energy healer it's essential that my energy is calm and happy while I'm with animals I'm taking care of - and I see all my visits as healing visits.
I decided at that point that I would have to give up pet visits. I couldn't see any way I could continue. I felt so sad and miserable at this thought though, as taking care of animals is what I do best, and what I love. The thought of not coming to see some of my lovely charges was quite upsetting. I realised though that I'd still be able to continue Reiki and healing visits, and was wondering whether the Universe was opening up an opportunity for me to expand those activities. And it also dawned on me that I could still visit animals very close by, in my immediate neighbourhood. I would still need to increase my rates, but by a smaller amount.
So, I set about writing a long email to all my customers, explaining in detail how I'd come to my very difficult decision. And one by one by one, so many of them got back in touch with me to find out how much I would need to charge in order to continue. I'd not even bothered to say in my original email as I felt it would be out of the question!! It was so heartening! So many people were telling me how much they valued what I did for their animals, how they realised it wasn't just putting food down, that I did so much more. Others told me that I'd become a good friend to them and their animals - that they couldn't imagine anyone else coming to care for them.
Until that point I'd imagined it was all about price, especially in the current difficult economic climate. But I learnt a very important lesson. It's actually all about value. I realised that I wasn't attributing full value to what I was doing, even though I know that the animals all benefit from what I bring to them. Quite why I didn't realise, I have no idea, as I've frequently been told by my clients. And although I fully appreciate the value that Reiki brings, I don't think I appreciated quite how much they did too.
Quite understandably I've had to say goodbye to some of my lovely cats - but not so many. In particular those people who live on their own - life is very expensive for a single person, and this does make a difference. But absolutely no hard feelings at all, and have been able to pass them on to other pet carers I know. That makes me happy - I know they'll receive excellent care, if not the Reiki (but they can always contact me for Reiki visits from time to time). I've even picked up new clients at my new rates - one said it was because she could tell from my website that I "speak cat" (which I do!!), and I've had one since return to me.
What a lovely lesson............................