Sunday, 1 November 2009

Fear on Fireworks Night

Today is 1st November, and fireworks have been going off for a number of evenings already. 5th November is this coming Friday, so we can expect loud fireworks all over the weekend.

Many of our pets are fearful of fireworks, but we can help them a little. There's all the obvious and oft-repeated advice about keeping animals in, and we understand the sense of this - although I always have a battle with Bella as despite the fireworks going off around she'll stand at the door and demand to be let out! But I have to tell her it's for her own good.......

I've always been terrified of loud bangs, so it's not my favourite time of year. But I knew that when I got Bella as a little kitten I'd have to manage my own fear so that she didn't pick up on it. So, that's the first thing you can do. When fireworks are going off all around, concentrate on how you're feeling and try to find the calmest feelings you can. Then imagine them going out in waves to your animals, wrapping them up in love and caring.

I wrote recently about using Bach Flower Remedies for animals, and they can help here too. Rescue Remedy is the one that's well know for dealing with shocks, so if you have some in the house, this week might be a good time to pop a little in the water bowl. Follow the Bach Foundation guidelines on dosing. In particular Mimulus is one of the individual remedies, and this is indicated for helping with emotions based on fear of known things. If the fear is extreme, then consider Rock Rose (which itself is one of the ingredients of Rescue Remedy). Have a look at the other Remedies to see if there's something that will particularly help your own animal.

Have a great Fireworks night!!

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