Thursday, 28 June 2012

After they've gone......

These wonderful words were posted by a friend on Facebook.  So much gets posted on Facebook and much of I think "yes I like that", or "I'll share that".  But nothing has affected me as much as these words.

A friend of mine lost her wonderful cat Sky 6 months ago - I went and held her and helped support her with Reiki while she slipped away.  My friend is still grieving terribly for her loss, but can't bear the thought of another animal friend to come and live with her, as she knows that one day she'll have to say goodbye again. 

I was like that for a long time, so can totally understand.  I had lots of cats over the years who would come and see me, and helped persuade me I was ready to let a new cat into my life.  And then Bella found me.   I love her so much, and Dylan too, who we welcomed to our home a couple of years ago.  Both so different to each other, and different to every other cat.

That's the thing.  One cat (or dog, rabbit, chicken, guinea pig - or any animal) doesn't replace the one that's gone.  They are their own wonderful, magical being.  So the adventure can start again, the falling in love, and being so full of gratitude that they're in your life. 

I've shared these words on Facebook too, and they seem to have struck a chord with so many others .  And some of them have said that yes, that was them, but another cat or dog found their way into their life when they weren't expecting it, and they've been forever grateful. 

When you've loved an animal you have so much more love to give - and so many animals needing love and care.  It seems wrong to deprive them - and you.  ♥♥♥

Friday, 15 June 2012

Bailey comes home

Now and again I am asked to help an animal in some way by communicating with them - but mostly I use my intuitive skills with animals while I'm visiting or treating with Reiki, as a complement to what I'm doing, to help to ensure I do the best I possibly can.  Frequently I'll pick up thoughts, feelings and emotions while pet sitting, which is great, as this means I can be sure to do what's right for them.  It's very typical that when sending Reiki distantly I'll find I've tuned in to them - as a channel's opened, it's there for whatever energy needs to flow through, whether it's healing or communication of some sort.  And of course, communication is a form of healing.

Many animal communicators I know who practise professionally, tend to stay away from requests to help find lost animals.  There are many reasons for this, including the amount of time and energy that can be involved.  Until recently, I'd never been asked, but also felt it was something I would prefer to stay away from - I think it's because, like many of us who communicate intuitively with animals, you do find yourself doubting your abilities, and what you pick up.  Even though there's no reason - so far I've not had any communication with an animal that wasn't verified as accurate!!  I think it's because I didn't like the idea of perhaps not being able to help someone find their beloved friend, or worse.

A few weeks ago one of my friends (who also communicates with animals) posted on Facebook that one of her cats had failed to return home - not like him in the least.  She was very worried, understandably.  This anxiety and worry made it very difficult for her to tune into him - in fact she'd picked up a picture of him together with another cat she'd had that had passed over a few months before.  So, she had convinced herself that he too was no longer physically with us. 

I felt that I should try to tune in, but I was also quite wary of doing this.  But I felt a very strong pull, almost that Bailey was wanting to talk to me.  So I gave in, sat down with a picture of him, and tried to see what I could discover. 

My friend's husband felt strongly that Bailey was still in the land of the living, but that he'd been trapped.  My initial contact with Bailey was the same.  The first thing I picked up were his feelings.  He was cross and annoyed.  He'd got himself stuck somewhere, and although he'd freed himself, in some way he was still stuck.  He wasn't worried or anxious, just very annoyed!!  That was good.

Another friend was doing the same thing, and as we continued to communicate on Facebook, we found we were agreeing with each other.

They'd been out and about, ever widening the search area, to look for him, but no luck.  They'd talked to neighbours in their fairly rural area, even persuading some to let them search their farm buildings.  (Some weren't particularly cat friendly.) 

I sat down to talk to Bailey again.  Still quite cross.  He then showed me a pile of sticks falling on him - quite graphically.  I could feel how this felt to him.  I told my friend, who then went out for another look.  She realised that by her back fence was a pile of logs, but had already checked this area.  Nevertheless, she checked again - and this time looked over the fence.  There are two fences close together, a small space between them, with some logs.  And there was Bailey!!  Somehow the logs had fallen in the first place, trapping him.  He'd freed himself from them, but then found himself caught in a small space between two high fences. 

So, he was rescued, none the worse for his escapade thankfully, just very hungry.  My friend was confused as to why he'd not called out while they were nearby looking for him.  He told her that he'd let me and her other friend know where he was, and he was sure we'd lead them to him. 

Once again, I was amazed!!  Don't know why as it always works, and I understand the mechanism by which this works too.  But I guess we're still subject to the conditioning of many years, and there's still some doubt there.  Anyway, a very happy ending, and a lesson to me to trust what I get!!