Thursday 1 April 2010

Big Thanks to Christine and Sky

Christine is one of my neighbours, and I take care of Sky from time to time whenever Christine goes away. But I see them much more than that, as Christine is always calling, texting or emailing to tell me she has a bunch of stuff for Animals in Distress.

There are lots of lovely people who bring me bits and pieces from time to time, but Christine is by far and away my best donor. It seems that all the people that Christine knows are aware that we'll always take their unwanted items from them. At first they would donate mostly bedding and food that their own fussy pets had turned their noses up at. But now, they'll buy little bits of food if they see it on special offer, and realise too that Animals in Distress also have charity shops that will happily take in and sell in bric-a-brac.

I'm so grateful on their behalf that the last time I was at Christine and Sky's house collecting I told Christine that next time she goes away I'll give her a free visit. And that applies to anyone else who donates lots. So, a big mention too, to Anne-Marie, Ann, Libby and Janet who are well on their way to a free visit too. And a few others, like Diane, who've also recently started donating.

Animals in Distress are a local charity that depend on donations to keep doing what they do for the animals in their care. They're not a big national charity that everyone knows, so it's much harder for them. Shortly after arrival all animals are vet-checked, and given any medication or treatment if needed. Healthy animals, and those who have a good prognosis of recovery are always cared for - never put down. And unless there's a very good reason, none of the animals are offered for re-homing until fully fit and well. They're always fed on good quality food, (and some of them have to go on diets!), and get lots of love and care from the staff and volunteers - and lots of Reiki love from me.

To prevent more unwanted and unhomed cats and dogs, they're all neutered prior to re-homing. Unfortunately there is no money for innoculations, so adopters are asked to commit to taking their animals to the vet for innoculations as soon as possible.

The premises and animal accommodation are kept clean and tidy, but have seen better days. It was wonderful last year when a team of people from a local company came as volunteers with paintbrushes, and smartened the place up!! So, donations can also be made in this way.

So, to finish, donations of time, money and "stuff" are always very, very welcome. Anything that you can think of that can be used either by the animals or for sale in the charity shops - for example bedding, food, bowls, toys, or bric-a-brac. And please ask anyone who know who's having a clear out or doing a bit of spring cleaning - there's always something.

Please either let me know, or take your donations direct to Animals in Distress, 55 Silver Street, Irlam, M44 6HT. They're open 7 days a week, 10am - 4pm, and will be extremely grateful!

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