Friday, 4 June 2010

What happened in May?

I started writing this blog for a number of reasons, but mostly because I found it enjoyable. To sit and share with you all my experiences in working and being with animals, my thoughts, ideas, opinions and suggestions - and to hear from you about yours - is a great way to add to what we all know about the animals with whom we share our lives.

I've always had plenty of ideas for subjects, and found that in a spare few moments, I'd be happily typing away. But the whole of May has gone without a single post!! That's very unusual. Ever since I started I've made a number of posts every month - some months have been very full! Now and again, when things get really busy, I might struggle to write as many, but still, manage always to write a few.

May has been very busy, both with animals, and with my people related activities. But I'm sure that I could have found time somewhere to write a post or two. And it's not that I have no ideas for subjects to write about - there's loads buzzing around in my mind, even as I write now. I have a list with subject titles, just ready to be written about.

No, I think that what happened was that I lost the muse for a little while. When I started I wanted this to be enjoyable first and foremost, but during May, whenever I sat at the keyboard ready to type, it felt like a chore. Now, there's no way I want to force something out if it just doesn't want to come. It won't read right, and I won't be happy about it. So I've been a little quiet.

I also think that it's part of a little phase I've been going through. Normally I'm a very sociable person, who likes to reach to out others, to communicate, to bring people together. It's who I am. But now and again I feel the need to bring the drawbridge up for a bit, curl up inside myself, hold myself in. So, it's not just my blog. I've been in contact less than normal with my friends, family and other people I know. Even with Facebook and Linked In, even though I've been reading what others are writing, I've felt less inclined to include my own comments.

But it's different when it comes to being with animals. Although I've held back from people a little of late, I've done lots of talking to the animals I've been with. They are so wise, loving, giving and accepting. Perhaps that's what I've needed. Perhaps that why I felt the need to shut up shop with people for a bit. Now that I can feel myself coming out the other side, I can appreciate that it's been good for me, I've needed to do this. And I know that I do this from time to time - confuses those who don't know me so well, but good friends and family understand. I feel nourished and refreshed now, and ready to take on the world again - but in a quieter way than before.

So, I shall still be writing blog posts from time to time, whenever the mood takes me. And I look forward to hearing from you all too - please share you own thoughts, comments, ideas and suggestions.

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